Tuesday, October 28, 2008

No. 4 The Katie Couric Test

Thanks to Katie Couric, more and more women are realizing that colon cancer is not just a man's disease. When Couric underwent a colonoscopy live on national television in March 2000, colonoscopies nationwide jumped more than 20% in the following days and months. She became a spokeswoman for this cause after the death of her husband, Jay Monahan, from colon cancer at age 42.

The American Cancer Society (ACS) estimates that nearly 75,000 women will be diagnosed with colon or rectal cancer in 2007.

A colonoscopy allows a doctor to see and closely inspect the inside of the rectum and entire colon for signs of cancer, polyps, or small growths that can eventually become cancerous. The patient is first given a medication in a vein that causes sleepiness and relaxation. A colonoscope is gently eased inside the colon; it has a tiny video camera, which sends pictures to a TV monitor. Small puffs of air are introduced into the colon to keep it open and allow the doctor to see clearly. Preparation-wise, you follow a special diet the day before the exam and take a very strong laxative the day before the procedure. You may also need an enema to cleanse the colon. Excluding skin cancers, colorectal cancer is the third most common cancer diagnosed in men and in women in the U.S.

"Colon cancer is totally preventable and treatable if they find it early," Greenberg says. "Every man and woman should have a colonoscopy despite the fact that it is an unpleasant experience."

Beginning at age 50, men and women who are at average risk for developing colorectal cancer should have a colonoscopy every 10 years, according to the ACS. If you’ve had a family member with colorectal cancer, you should have a colonoscopy 10 years before your relative was diagnosed.

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