Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Tip 5. Jump on the Wagon

Why? Alcohol is toxic to nerves, says the ADA. Your liver has two main jobs: to clear toxins like alcohol from your body, and to convert carbohydrate into blood glucose your body can use. But drinking sidetracks your liver; it won't start working to level out blood sugar until it "sweeps" the alcohol from your bloodstream, so blood sugar swings can result. And if you have diabetic neuropathy, drinking may spur on pain, tingling, and other symptoms, says the ADA.

The goal. To be safe, the ADA advises people with advanced diabetic neuropathy not to drink at all, since it's possible that nerve damage can be brought on even by light drinking (fewer than 2 drinks a week). If you do drink, they advise no more than 1 drink a day for women and 2 drinks a day for men.


  • Try a variety of mineral waters with a fresh slice of lemon, lime, or orange for flavor.
  • Make a "Virgin Mary": spice up tomato juice with a splash of hot pepper sauce, lemon juice, dried herbs, and a stalk of fresh celery - but hold the liquor.
  • If you do celebrate occasionally, never drink on an empty stomach. Have your drink with or after dinner, to help prevent sugar "lows."

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