When you think about dental health, your focus is likely to be on preventing cavities in your teeth. But it's important to pay attention to your gums, too. Your gums play a major role not only in your dental health, but in your overall well-being.
In many instances, swollen and bleeding gums are a sign of gum disease. But there are a number of other factors that could be causing your gum problems. Whatever the cause of your sore, painful gums, there are steps you can take to minimize gum damage and discomfort.
Causes of Sore, Swollen, and Bleeding Bums: Improper Brushing Technique
In your quest to keep your teeth clean, you might be tempted to brush your teeth as vigorously as you can. Your gums are made of sensitive tissue, though, so brushing the wrong way could damage them.
Whether you opt for a manual or electric toothbrush, choose one with soft nylon bristles that have blunted ends. Even though you can find brushes with medium or hard bristles, they may damage the enamel on your teeth or cause red and swollen gums.
When you brush, make sure you use gentle, circular motions to massage and clean the teeth and gums. While many people use a back-and-forth motion, this motion can actually irritate and damage your gums, making them sore and more likely to bleed or recede.
Causes of Sore, Swollen, and Bleeding Gums: Improper Flossing Technique
We all know the importance of flossing every day to help remove plaque from places where your toothbrush cannot reach. To make sure that your healthy habit isn't causing swollen or bleeding gums, be gentle when you floss. Rather than forcing the floss between your teeth, carefully slide it up and down, following the curve of each tooth.
Causes of Sore, Swollen, and Bleeding Gums: Gum Disease
More than three-quarters of American adults over the age of 35 suffer from periodontal (gum) disease. While most people with gum disease have the less severe form, called gingivitis, between 5% and 15% of the population has a much more serious type of gum disease known as periodontitis.
When people do not practice proper dental hygiene, bacteria in the mouth form plaque on the teeth. These bacteria may cause your gums to become inflamed, which results in red, swollen, or bleeding gums. For many people with gingivitis, this inflammation is not painful. If you catch gingivitis early, it can be reversed and healed with proper oral hygiene. But left untreated, gingivitis can worsen and ultimately lead to tooth loss. Be sure to seek medical attention if you have the following symptoms, even if you are not experiencing any discomfort:
- changes in the way teeth fit together on biting, or in the fit of partial dentures
- formation of deep pockets between teeth and gums
- gums that bleed during and after toothbrushing
- loose or shifting teeth
- persistent bad breath or bad taste in the mouth
- receding gums
- red, swollen, or tender gums
When gingivitis progresses, it develops into periodontitis, a condition in which the gums and bones that hold the teeth in place can be severely compromised. The bacteria on the teeth release toxic substances that harm your gums and cause them to become infected. The infection and the inflammation that result when your body attacks the bacteria can degrade your gums and the bones in your jaw. You may experience exceptionally swollen, painful gums that are likely to bleed. If not treated, periodontitis can lead to tooth loss.
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