Women aged 40 and older should get a mammogram (breast X-ray) every one or two years, Greenberger says. "If there is a history of breast cancer in her family, a woman should get her first mammogram 10 years before her relative was diagnosed," she tells WebMD. Women older than 50 should have annual mammograms. Unfortunately, studies have suggested that women may not be getting their annual mammograms. "Some women just don't want to know, but with breast cancer being treatable in many cases and even curable, every woman should be getting this," she says.
Moore agrees: "If we catch a breast cancer in stage I, 97% of women who have it will be cured," she says. "As inconvenient as it is to schedule a mammogram, if it comes back clean, we know we are in the free and clear for a year, and that's reassuring."
In addition, women in their 20s and 30s should have a breast exam by a doctor every three years to feel for suspicious lumps and bumps. After age 40, a doctor’s breast exam should be done every year. Although there are no definitive studies showing the benefit of breast self-exams, the American Cancer Society says breast self-exams are an option for women starting in their 20s. Talk to your doctor to determine if breast self-exams are a good idea for you, and have your doctor teach you how to do them correctly.
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